Two newborn babies talking about the unseen!!!

The two sheikhs 1 mentioned a tradition narrated by Abu Hurayra that the Prophet (s) had said: "There was an Israelite man called Jurayj. While he was offering his prayer, his mother came and called him. He said with himself: "Do I answer her or offer my prayer?"
His mother said: "O Allah, don't let him die until he meets the prostitutes." One day, while Jurayj was in his hermitage, a prostitute came to seduce him. He refused to respond to her. She went to a shepherd and made love with him. She gave birth to a boy and pretended it was Jurayj's son. People came to him, destroyed his hermitage, brought him down and abused him. He made wudu' 2 , offered prayer and came to the newborn baby.
He asked the baby: "Who is your father?" The newborn baby said: "My father is the  shepherd." The people said to Jurayj: "We shall build your hermitage with gold."
 He said: "Nothing but clay." While an Israelite woman was suckling her baby, a man on his sumpter passed by her. She said: "O Allah, make my son be like him." The baby left its mother's breast, came near the man and said: "O Allah, don't make me be like him." Then it came back to suckle his mother's breast. (Abu Hurayra said: as if I looked at the Prophet suckling his finger!). Then the mother passed by a bondwoman. She said: "O Allah, don't make my son be like this bondwoman." The baby left its mother's breast and said: "O Allah, make me be like her." The mother asked her baby: "Why did you do that?" The baby said: "That man on the sumpter was one of the tyrants, but as for that bondwoman, people said: "Zaynab stole" but she didn't."
Neither Jurayj was a prophet nor any of the two babies. There was not any reason for miracles to happen. What these two babies did, was against (the nature made by Allah in which He has made men; there is no altering of Allah's creation; that is the right religion, but most people do not know) 30:30 (Quran).

1. Refer to al-Bukhari's Sahih, vol. 2, p.p. 49, vol. 1, p.p. and Muslim's Sahih, vol. 2, p.p. 377.
2. Didn't Abu Hurayra know that wudu' was not legislated before Islam.

A nation was metamorphosed into mice!!

The two Sheikhs mentioned 1 that Abu Hurayra had said: "The Prophet (s) said: "A nation of the Israelites was lost and they didn't know what they had done. I think they were metamorphosed into mice, because when mice were given camel's milk they didn't drink it and when they were given ewe's milk they drank."
1. Refer to al-Bukhari's Sahih, vol2, p.p. 149 and Muslim's Sahih, vol. 2, p.p. 536.
What a folly it was that even the foolish would disdain, unless they were mad. But the two sheikhs trusted in this dotard and mentioned his absurdities as evidences. If what he said did not disgrace Islam, we would put his rope on his neck and let him graze freely with his likes, but we had to defend the infallible Sunna as possible as we could because these superstitions were the worst of defects that afflicted Islam.

Doing a thing in unbelievable period

Al-Bukhari mentioned that Abu Hurayra had said: "The prophet Muhammad said: The holy Qur'an was eased for Prophet David. He ordered his men to saddle his sumpter and he finished reciting the Qur'an before they finished saddling the sumpter." 1It was impossible in two ways;
First: the holy Qur'an was revealed to the prophet Muhammad and it was not revealed before that. How did Prophet David read it?
The defenders of Abu Hurayra justified that by saying that he meant by Qur'an the Psalms and the Torah because they were miracles as the Qur'an was. 2
1. Refer to Al-Bukhari's Sahih, vol.3, p.p. 101 and vol. 2, p.p. 164.
2. Refer to Irshad as-Sari, vol. 8, p.p. 500.

They interpreted Abu Hurayra's saying, as they liked not as he himself meant. And Allah is the most Aware!
Second: the period of saddling the sumpter was too short for David to recite the Qur'an, whether he meant the Qur'an of Muhammad or the Psalms or the Torah. It is definite that reason doesn't accept like these impossibilities.
So it was nonsense what al-Qastalani mentioned 1 in this concern when he said: "This tradition confirmed that Allah condensed time for whomever He will of His people as He condensed distance for them. An-Nawawi said: "Some people recited all the Qur'an four times in the night and four times in the day. I had seen Abut-Tahir in Jerusalem in eight hundred and sixty-seven of hijra and I had heard then that he recited all the Qur'an more than ten times in the night and in the day. Sheikh of Islam al-Burhan bin Abu Shareef told me that Abut-Tahir had recited the Qur'an fifteen times in a day and a night. This is something that we cannot perceive except by referring it to the divine emanation."
It can never be possible except when we can put the world inside the egg.
Reasonable people know well that condensing time and distance is something unreal. Suppose that it was real. What was the use of it then? It would certainly cause many problems.
If he had talked about condensing speech, it might have been more suitable although it would be unreal.
This tradition couldn't be considered as a miracle for the prophet David (s), because miracles were extraordinary things but what Abu Hurayra talked about in his tradition was (extra-reasonable).

1. Refer to Irshad as-Sari, vol. 8, p.p. 500.

Abrogation before the time of performance!!

Al-Bukhari mentioned that Abu Hurayra had said: "The Prophet sent us in a delegation and said to us: "If you find (those two men), burn them with fire!" Then he said to us when we wanted to leave: "I ordered you to burn (those two men) with fire, but no one is to torture with fire save Allah. So when you find them, kill them both."

This tradition was untrue because it showed abrogation of an order before performing it.
It was impossible for Allah and His apostle to do that. When the Prophet said: (burn themwith fire), it was revealed to him by Allah Nor does he speak out of desire. It is naught but revelation that is revealed) 53:3-4 (Quran), so when the Prophet abrogated it (according to Allah's revelation) before performing it that would show ignorance of Allah! Allah forbid! Glory be to Him, the Exalted, the Almighty.

The Abyssinians play in the mosque in front of Prophet(s.a.w)!!!

Al-Bukhari mentioned that Abu Hurayra had said: "While the Abyssinians were playing with their bayonets in front of the Prophet in the mosque, Umar entered and began to throw them with pebbles. The Prophet said to Umar: "Let them do that." 1
The Prophet was far away from play and higher than levity. He knew well, more than any one else, of the prohibited actions. He would never let the ignorant to play in the mosque in front of him. He was busy, all the time, with the divine tasks. He had no time to spend with play or in vain. He was far above to let his honoured mosque be for play and vanity. (A grievous word it is that comes out of their mouths; they speak nothing but a lie) 18:5 (Quran).
1. In his Sahih, vol. 2, p.p. 120.

The angels talk with Umar!!!

Al-Bukhari mentioned 1 that Abu Hurayra had said: "The Prophet (s) said: "Some men of the Israelites, who lived before you,were talked with (by the angels) although they were not apostles. If there is someone of my umma like them, it will be Umar." 2Al-Bukhari mentioned another tradition 3 narrated by Abu Hurayra that he said: "

The Prophet (s) said: "There were among the nations, who had lived before you, some people, who were talked with (by the angels). If my umma has someone like those, it will be Umar."

1.  Sahih Bukhari , vol. 2, p.p. 194
2. Refer to al-Qastalani's book Irshad as-Sari, vol. 7, p.p. 349.
3. Sahih, vol. 2, p.p. 171.

It was a fabricated tradition that Abu Hurayra had invented with adorned words years after the death of Umar. It came out just like what the policy of the upper class wanted and the public at that time jogged with it joyfully. The hostile Umayyad policy against Imam Ali and the Hashimites required raising Abu Bakr and Umar to the position of the prophets and the infallible saints. The masses were so ardent with the victories achieved during the reign of the two caliphs, Abu Bakr and Umar, so Abu Hurayra flattered both; the ruler and the ruled people by this tradition and the likes, therefore he got a favoured position near the rulers and among the public. If Abu Hurayra had told of these traditions during the lifetime of Umar, the caliph's stick would have got its share from his back, but the space was free for him to talk whatever he liked. It was well-known for the discerners and the prudent that those, whom the angels talked with, were either prophets or prophets' guardians, who all were infallible. The angels talked with the prophets face to face but as for the guardians, Allah inspired them with the truth as if an angel talked with them, but in fact no talker was there.

Umar was not a prophet nor an infallible guardian, so the angels would not talk with him.
Moreover that the doings of Umar during the life of the Prophet (s) and after his life didn't fit him to be talked with by the angels at all.

A cow and a wolf speak in eloquent Arabic

The two sheikhs mentioned that Abu Hurayra had said: "The prophet Muhammad (s) offered the Fajr prayer, came in front of people and said: "Once there was a man leading his cow. He rode it and beat it. The cow said: We were not created to be beaten but for plowing!" People said: "Praise the Lord! A cow speaks!" The Prophet said: "We believe in that; me, Abu Bakr and Omar, although they, both, are not here. Also there was a man grazing his sheep. The wolf came and took one of them. The man followed the wolf and saved the sheep. The wolf said to the man: "You saved it from me! Who will save it if the lion comes one day to take it, when there will be no keeper for it but me?" people said: "Praise the Lord! A wolf speaks!" The Prophet (s) said: "We believe in this; me, Abu Bakr and Omar, although they, both, are not here." 1

1. Refer to al-Bukhari's Sahih, vol. 2, p.p. 171 and 190, Muslim's Sahih, vol. 2, p.p. 316 and later page and Ahmed's Musnad, vol. 2, p.p. 246.

Abu Hurayra was fond of wonders and unusual things. He was mirthful when he talked about unusual things like the running away of the rock with Moses' cloths or when Moses slapped the angel of death and gouged his eye, the falling down of gold locusts upon Ayyoub (Job) and the likes of his impossibilities.

And here he told of a talking cow and a talking wolf, which spoke in eloquent Arabic to show that they had reason, knowledge, and wisdom. He told of something, which definitely never happened nor would happen at all. The natural rules, which Allah made for all what He had created, made this thing impossible unless there was a necessity for a miracle to be a sign to prove the prophecy of one of the apostles or something related to Allah. The matter of the man, who led his cow to the field and rode it, did not need any challenge or miracle that Allah would break the rules of nature for him. The same was for the sheep keeper, when the wolf invaded his sheep. This tradition was completely untrue, for Allah would not make miracles in vain.

Abu Bakr and Omar were not in need for such a virtue. In fact if they had heard him telling of it, they would have punished him. But he mentioned Abu Bakr and Omar as a means to satisfy his tendency to the oddities, at the same time to walk in their shadow because he knew well that no one could deny what he said, otherwise would be accused of defaming the two caliphs; Abu Bakr and Omar.
2. Certainly, he invented this tradition after their death.