The angels talk with Umar!!!

Al-Bukhari mentioned 1 that Abu Hurayra had said: "The Prophet (s) said: "Some men of the Israelites, who lived before you,were talked with (by the angels) although they were not apostles. If there is someone of my umma like them, it will be Umar." 2Al-Bukhari mentioned another tradition 3 narrated by Abu Hurayra that he said: "

The Prophet (s) said: "There were among the nations, who had lived before you, some people, who were talked with (by the angels). If my umma has someone like those, it will be Umar."

1.  Sahih Bukhari , vol. 2, p.p. 194
2. Refer to al-Qastalani's book Irshad as-Sari, vol. 7, p.p. 349.
3. Sahih, vol. 2, p.p. 171.

It was a fabricated tradition that Abu Hurayra had invented with adorned words years after the death of Umar. It came out just like what the policy of the upper class wanted and the public at that time jogged with it joyfully. The hostile Umayyad policy against Imam Ali and the Hashimites required raising Abu Bakr and Umar to the position of the prophets and the infallible saints. The masses were so ardent with the victories achieved during the reign of the two caliphs, Abu Bakr and Umar, so Abu Hurayra flattered both; the ruler and the ruled people by this tradition and the likes, therefore he got a favoured position near the rulers and among the public. If Abu Hurayra had told of these traditions during the lifetime of Umar, the caliph's stick would have got its share from his back, but the space was free for him to talk whatever he liked. It was well-known for the discerners and the prudent that those, whom the angels talked with, were either prophets or prophets' guardians, who all were infallible. The angels talked with the prophets face to face but as for the guardians, Allah inspired them with the truth as if an angel talked with them, but in fact no talker was there.

Umar was not a prophet nor an infallible guardian, so the angels would not talk with him.
Moreover that the doings of Umar during the life of the Prophet (s) and after his life didn't fit him to be talked with by the angels at all.


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