Abu Huraira and His Promises

let me share a few narrations
and you interpret it the way you like

Abu huraira said that I swear by the lord of this house! I did not say that whosoever makes it to morning in state of janabat/impurity, he should not fast; rather I swear by the lord of this house! This was said by mohammad (asws). And I did not forbid fasting on Friday, rather I swear by the lord of this house, mohammad (asws) forbid that.
[musnad ahmad, urdu version, vol 4,page 72]
Molvi zafar says sahih as per ibn khuzaima, and Albany
Sheikh shoaib says sahih. [12/347 /7388]
ok, let us see another narration

abu huraira said that holy prophet asws said that if someone hears adhan of morning prayer, and he is in state of janabat, he should not fast that day
[musnad ahmad, urdu version, vol 4,page 273]
Sheikh shoaib says sanad is sahih as per sheikhain [13/490/8145]
This narration is also there in al-ihsan ba tarteeb sahih ibn haban [8/261/3485] and sheikh shoaib had termed it sahih as per sheikhain’s criteria
so, one cannot say that he had not narrated this hadeeth, rather he had narrated it as well from holy prophet “DIRECTLY”

again from musnad ahmad, we have another narration

Abdur rehman bin atab says that abu huraira use to say that if someone make it to morning in state of impurity, his fast is not valid. Once Marwan bin hakam sent me and another man to Ayesha and umm salma to ask if someone makes it to morning in Ramadan month in state of impurity and has not taken bath, what is the order for him? One of them said that sometimes, holy prophet asws would be in state of impurity at morning, and then take bath and complete the fast. And other one replied that sometimes holy prophet asws would be in state of impurity intentionally without having a dream, and he would make it to morning and complete his fast. We came back and told this to Marwan. He said to inform abu huraira about this. Abu huraira said that I thought so or I presumed so. Marwan said that you give fatwas to people on your presumptions,
[musnad ahmad, urdu version, vol 11, page 409]
Sheikh hamza says isnaad sahih
[musnad ahmad with takhreej of sheikh ahmad shakir and sheikh hamza, vol 17, page 614]
Sheikh shoaib says about this narration hadeeth sahih [42/327 /25509]
There is another narration like this one with different sanad, and there we even find that abu huraira then stopped from giving his opinion. [11/614 (urdu version, musnad ahmad)]
another narration from musnad ahmad

Abu bakar bin abdur rehman says that I heard abu huraira saying that holy prophet asws said that whosoever makes it to morning in state of impurity, his fast wont be valid. After some time, I met Ayesha and bibi umm salma alongwith my father. They said that holy prophet asws would make it to morning in state of janabat/impurity and still fast that day. When we met abu huraira, my father told him about this narration. So his facial expressions changed. And he said that this was told to me by fadal bin abbas though wives of holy prophet asws know more.
[musnad ahmad, urdu version, vol 12, page 77-78]
Sheikh shoaib says chain is sahih on condition of sheikhain [44/243/26630]


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