Abu Hurayra's Imagination

This man was fascinated by his imagination to draw such images for Allah and Adam with skilled literature and instructions, which if we ascribe to Islam, we will find many strange things that make us laugh and cry at the same time.

He narrated another tradition saying that Allah comes to this nation in the Day of Resurrection in a shape different from what they know and says: I am your god. They say: God forbid! We will not move from here until our god comes to us. If He comes we will know Him. Then Allah comes in the shape that they know and says:

I am your god. They say: You are our god. Then they follow Him. He narrated that in a long dark story full of imagination, showing Allah in different shapes, disguising, coming and going in dramatic actions with jokes, dialogues and deception. The tradition made fun of Allah in a way that not only contradicted the Islamic beliefs and the simplest bases of rationality but also the royal etiquette if we accept-God forbid-the thought of embodiment, far be it from Allah, the Almighty .

And his tradition that Hell will not be full until Allah puts His leg in it! In one of his wonders showing that Hell will be proud on having the tyrants and disdainful people, while Paradise will be humble to have poor and miserable people.

And his tradition that Allah comes down to the lower sky every night and says: "Who prays to me, so that I grant him?" And many others like that which were the cause for the thought of embodiment to arise at the age of complexity of thoughts, and because of which many kinds of heresies and errors came out.
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Abu Hurayra narrated many traditions about the prophets (s).

He described them however he liked. In one of those traditions, he described the terrors of the Day of Resurrection. People resort to Adam then to Noah then to Abraham then to Moses then to Jesus (s) in useless clamor, for these prophets (as Abu Hurayra pretended) are prevented to be intercessors by Allah, Who became very angry with them (before) to a degree that He didn't become so angry before that nor would be after that because they (the prophets) had committed sins (invented by Abu Hurayra's imagination). Abu Hurayra did not find any way to prefer Prophet Muhammad (s) except to defame the other prophets (peace be upon them). Also his tradition when he ascribed doubt to Prophet Abraham (s) when he says (according to the Qur'an): (And Ibrahim when he said: My Lord! Show me how Thou givest life to the dead .. .) 2:260, in which Abu Hurayra made Prophet Muhammad worthier to be doubtful than Abraham and made Prophet Joseph better tharr Prophet Muhammad for he was patient. He criticized Prophet Lot when he says: (Ah! that I had power to suppress you, rather I shall have recourse to a strong support). 11 :80.

And his tradition which showed that Prophet Solomon broke his father's verdict about a baby that two women pretended to be theirs, and Prophet David judged that the baby was the old woman's. Solomon said: "Bring me a knife to cut the baby into two halves, one half for each of them." The young woman cried: "Don't do that." So he judged that the baby was hers. The contradiction between two prophets about one of Allah's verdict was unacceptable according to the Islamic Sharia.

The funniest part in this superstition was that Abu Hurayra said that he had never heard of sikkeen (knife) in his life where they used to call it midya.

And his tradition that prophet Solomon said: "I will go to bed with a hundred women tonight that every one of them wiIl give birth to a boy, who will fight for the sake of Allah." The angel asked him to say inshallah. He did not say. So no one of his wives gave birth to a baby save one, who gave birth to half a human being!

And another one about an ant that pinched Prophet Moses (s).

Moses ordered his followers to burn the village of the ants. Then Allah inspired to him: "Because of an ant that pinched you, you burnt a nation, which praised Allah!"

And his tradition about Prophet Muhammad (s) that he harmed, abused, cursed and whipped innocent ones just because of anger, therefore his harming, abusing, cursing and whipping them would be a penance for their sins.

If that was ascribed to Pharaoh, it would be shameful for him.

How about our infallible prophet! Some people were cursed by the prophet and they did not deserve forgiveness, could Abu Hurayra force us to love and respect them as virtuous people? What are the right criteria after this funny criterion of Abu Hurayra?

In another tradition he said that the Satan came to the prophet (s) to disturb his prayers. Prophet Muhammad strangled the Satan and wanted to tie him to a column to let people look at him tied up, but he remembered Solomon's saying: (He said: My Lord Thou forgive me and grant me a kingdom which is not fit for (being inherited by) anyone after me) 38:35, and set him free. And his tradition saying that Prophet Muhammad (s) was sleeping and missed the Fajr (dawn) prayer.

And many others, which opened the door to say that the prophets were not infallible and they might make mistakes. This is unacceptable for it cancels the real sense and essence of prophecy.


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