Contradiction in Abu Hurayra's Ahadith

There was another kind of his traditions showing the contradiction clearly.

Notice the two traditions of Abu Salama, which he heard from Abu Hurayra about infection. He denied it in the first one and proved it in the second.

Abu Salama asked him:

"Didn't you say that there is no infection?" Abu Hurayra denied his first tradition and began to murmur in Abyssinian.

See his tradition about Solomon and his wives. Sometime he said that they were one hundred.

Sometime he said they were ninety, seventy and sixty. All of that were mentioned in the books of Hadith.

If you see his tradition about his migration, you will find clearly that he was a poor hungry bare-footed servant. He served this and that for a meal. How did he have a servant, about whom he talked in Sham 1 (Damascus)? He said (during the reign of Mu'awiya): "When I came to meet the prophet (s), my servant escaped in the way. While I had been with the prophet to pay homage, my servant came in. the prophet said to me: "Is this your servant?" I said: "I set him free for the sake of Allah."


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